Hello, I am glad you made it to this site. Whatever brought you here today, I want you to know we care. We have a team of truly amazing therapists here at Sincere Counseling. Please take a look around at the information available here, and feel welcome to contact us with any questions. It would be an honor to hear your story and work with you, whatever it is you may be experiencing at this time in your life.
Kendra Hemminger, LPCC-S
Executive Director

Free Consultation
Schedule a free 10 minute consultation with Kendra, or one of the other Counselors at the practice.
Please share your concerns, ask questions, and explore if this might be a good therapeutic fit for you.
Sincere Living
"Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up." -Brene Brown
Schedule a session; ask a question.
(Note: Email correspondence is not considered a confidential means of communication).
Sincere Counseling, LLC
405 Public Square
3rd Floor, Suite 330
Troy, 45373
(937) 756-0183